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An arrest warrant was issued for Rose McGowan for felony possession of a controlled substance.

The warrant, obtained by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department, was issued on Feb. 1, according to the Associated Press.

Police launched an investigation after they allegedly found traces of narcotics in personal belongings left behind on a United flight arriving at the Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 20, the AP reports.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department, Rob Yingling, told Deadline investigators believe the personal belongings were McGowan’s.

“Our police have attempted to contact Ms. McGowan so that she can appear in a Loudoun County Virginia court to respond to the charge,” Yingling said.

The fact there was a warrant out for the star’s arrest surfaced after the actress brought it upon social media on Monday.

The 44-year-old – who has accused Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein of sexually assaulting her claimed the warrant was part of a conspiracy to silence her.

“Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia. What a load of HORSES—,” she tweeted Monday morning.

It is not clear when the actress became aware of the warrant.

Earlier this month, McGowan said she was raped by Weinstein.

Speaking at the Women’s Convention in Detroit on Friday, McGowan talked about her life after the alleged assault by the former movie mogul.

“I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut-shamed. I have been harassed. I have been maligned and you know what? I’m just like you,” she said. “What happened to me behind the scenes happens to all of us in society and it cannot stand and it will not stand.”

She is one of more than 50 women who have come forward to accuse Weinstein of sexual misconduct or assault.

A spokesperson for the movie mogul previously told “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein.”


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